Evidence for Faith

St. Joseph, DeWitt Parish Mission
February 16-18, 2025

Explore the reasons behind our faith in God, Christianity, and Catholicism with this three-part parish mission or workshop. These presentations combine Christian and Catholic apologetics with evidence from science, philosophy, and archaeology. See further explanations for each of the three talks under their respective titles below.

“Your presentations were the best 3 hours I have ever spent! … You put it in a way that was interesting, easy to understand, and makes sense. Thank you for doing what you do.”

Jay Funke – Emmaus Pastorate, Edgewood IA

“Anthony Digmann does a most effective job of explaining why it makes complete sense to believe in God, to believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who rose from the dead, and to embrace and profess the Catholic faith as the fullness of God’s revealed truth. He has a great command of his material and delivers it with genuine conviction and desire to share the good news of what God has done for us through his Son.  I give him my highest recommendation as a speaker who will definitely deepen your appreciation and your gratitude for the priceless gift of our Catholic faith.”

– Fr. Jerry Kopacek, Pastor – Holy Rosary Cluster, Elma IA


Part I of the “Why God? Why Christian? Why Catholic?” parish mission, workshop, or retreat.

Many Christians are simply raised with the assumption of God’s existence with little supporting reason and evidence. This talk seeks to explore the relationship between science & religion, enhanced with arguments of reason, and supported by evidence to equip listeners for belief in a doubting and sometimes hostile world.


Part II of the “Why God? Why Christian? Why Catholic?” parish mission, workshop, or retreat.

Is the New Testament a reliable historical source? How do we know Jesus was not a myth? Are all religions equal? This talk discusses the reliability of the New Testament as a historical source and illustrates the uniqueness of Christianity among the other religions of the world. It is especially focused on Christ and the Resurrection, supported by historical and archaeological evidence.


Part III of the “Why God? Why Christian? Why Catholic?” parish mission, workshop, or retreat.

This presentation offers a primer on effectively explaining and defending the Catholic faith, especially among other Christians. Highlights include a look at Luther’s doctrine of Sola Scriptura, as well as the Catholic beliefs about Apostolic Succession and the Eucharist.

Beth Chavez

YFF, St. Joseph on the Rio Grande, Albuquerque, NM

“Anthony’s Why God? Why Christian? Why Catholic? presentations are spot on with details and with God’s truth. They are intellectually ideal for adults, catechists, or college age teens ready to deepen their already catechized faith. Anthony’s style is on fire and on point to address why we should believe in God, be a follower of Jesus Christ, and live as faithful Catholics. He was a pleasure to have, and we welcome him back anytime.”

Katie Patrizio

DFF, St. Cecelia Church, Ames, IA

“Anthony is a savvy, no-nonsense, passionate, and heartfelt proponent of the faith. Having personally wrestled with many of the hot button issues he addresses, Anthony brings a real skin-in-the-game relatability to his talks that works wonders for skeptical audiences.  On top of that his content and style appeals to a wide-range of ages; we heard the same great feedback from 15-year-olds as we did from 65-year-olds!” 

Fr. Paul Baldwin

Pastor of Sacred Heart and St. Luke Parishes, Monticello and Hopkinton, IA

“Anthony’s knowledge not only of Catholic Theology but other theologies was outstanding. All I heard at the receptions following each night of Anthony’s “Why God? Why Christian? Why Catholic?” presentations was how much the congregation enjoyed it and how it gave them a deeper connection to their faith. I was personally refreshed in many areas of the Catholic faith. I highly recommend Anthony Digmann as a presenter for parish missions and workshops.”

Jerry & Mary Rooney

Legatus Chapter, Savannah, GA

“Anthony Digmann is an engaging, dynamic speaker who connects with his audience in a very personal way. Anthony’s love for the faith is evident in his enthusiasm and vast knowledge of Holy Mother Church. His talk left us wanting more. In fact, for the first time in my memory, Legates asked when we could have Anthony return. Highly recommended!”

June Francois

DRE, St. Benedict Catholic Church, Decorah, IA

“Anthony is very knowledgeable, yet engages the common ordinary person, challenging them to grow in their faith.  Those attending couldn’t wait to hear what he was going to share the next night! Our mission with Anthony was one of our best!” 

Fr. Kevin Earleywine

Pastor of the Catholic Parishes of Franklin and Hardin Counties, IA

“I highly recommend Anthony Digmann as a speaker! Anthony is very energetic and engaging, enjoyable to listen to, remarkably knowledgeable, and he makes accessible to people very profound topics so people can walk away more deeply formed in their faith. I was very grateful for the opportunity to have him present in my parishes, and our parishioners were enthusiastic and appreciative of his talks!” 

Martin Ahrndt

Director of Faith Formation, Christ Our Hope Cluster, Lawler, IA

“Anthony Digmann was a fantastic and powerful speaker. He spoke to an inter-generational audience of 6th graders through those over 80, and all took away important points from his presentations “Why God?” and “Why Christianity?”  The students were especially interested as they were studying some of those same topics in their science classes. College bound students were glad they attended, so they are better equipped to explain their faith to others.” 

Stephanie Jenson

Confirmation Retreat Coordinator, St. Ludmila Parish, Cedar Rapis, IA

“High school students have many questions about their faith; they want concrete answers, facts, and rationale. Anthony Digmann provides students with just that! When you mix his education and concrete evidence with his passion and enthusiasm for our faith, you will find yourself on the edge of your seat, overcome with the glory of Our Lord.”

Dr. Tony Coppola

Decorah, IA

“I first saw Anthony at a Men’s conference where his inspirational insight and wisdom gave me plenty to chew on for awhile. Later that year he passionately presented our parish mission, and the response was outstanding! I have heard so many positive reactions, even weeks later, and I highly recommend Anthony as a vibrant and faithful Catholic speaker.”

Fr. Jim Secora

Retired Priest of Archdiocese of Dubuque, Ames, IA

“Anthony’s presenting an overall philosophical and theological overview of the Bible, the Church, and the other topics he touched on (especially here in Ames [with Iowa State University]) was very well done and given in a language people can understand. I appreciated that having been a high school teacher for over a generation. If we had to wait a year (and we did!) the wait was well worth it.”

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