Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines
On Real-life Reflections at Passionately Catholic we proclaim together the blessings of God as everyday Catholics. This is a platform for you to share your faith, enrich others, and give glory to God.
How does it work? Submit your video or audio story following the guidelines below to have your story considered to appear on Passionately Catholic, and be a part of our mission to help spread a Passionately Catholic invitation.
Questions You Might Address:
- Why are you Catholic?
- How has God touched you in your life, perhaps with a significant event?
- What faith wisdom do you want to share for the good of others?
- Begin with: “Welcome back to Passionately Catholic, I’m [state your name].”
- You may say where you are from, if you wish. *Minors use first name only and may not include location.
- Briefly introduce yourself personally and/or professionally if your experience/job makes a difference in your reflection.
- Share your story!
- If you have a YouTube channel, website, or other social media you want to share, include that at the end of your reflection and provide text with your submission of all links & information you want included in the video description.
- Note: we reserve the right to decline submissions or to edit them as needed. Minors must have their parent or legal guardian submit on their behalf and provide their consent in writing for minors’ reflections to be published on Passionately Catholic.
- Submit your story using the contact form on this website, see the button below. Include a link to your file (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.). If you don’t know how to do that, just contact us, and we’ll work it out.
Recording Tips:
- Imagine you are speaking to a friend, just one person, not a whole audience. It will be much more personal that way. Remember, YouTube videos are typically watched by individuals, and this helps personalize it.
- Video + Audio Submissions: Feel free to use your phone, camera, or laptop and stay still or walk around. Be creative. It is important to get good audio, so avoid loud or windy areas, and position the mic close to your mouth by using AirPods, headset, earpiece with mic, usb mic, etc.
- Audio Only Submissions: 1.) Record in a quiet location, ideally with fabric in it to absorb sound. For example, a closet full of clothes, in a car parked in a garage, or even in a quiet space sitting underneath a blanket. The fabric dampens the sound so it doesn’t echo, and the quiet is essential for clean audio. 2.) Include a Bible, Saint, or other quote related to your reflection that we will put on the video screen with your audio, limited to 300 characters. See the sample video below.
May God bless you abundantly, and I’ll see YOU again in the next episode!